
(Click Above to Download)

size:  1812kb

released:  20-06-05

level area size: No Crossing (Snipers Only)

Author's notes:

A revised snipers-only no crossing edition of Overlook. Created after much discussion with friends on how to improve the original.

Take out the bridges, they said... make the map larger! Open it up more! Okay.. here you go. Also added the ever-important hidden

ramp leading from the inside back to the top roof of either side. As before, watch out for those explosive barrels.

Note: An unofficial modified version was created by DoD Clan titled "Overlook-revised-no-x"

Overlook-X  incorporates those modifications and more, thus makes it obsolete, please disregard any imitations.


Map Description:

Overlook-x is a NO-CROSSING special modification of the original map, Overlook. It is physically a longer map than before

and stripped of some of the redundant eye-candy of the original, also features some new added tweaks and secrets to

enhance the sniper experience, leaving a devoted, solid Snipers-Only map.


Note: As previously stated, there is NO way to cross the map.


Game Modes Supported:

Team Survival


Files Included:








